Exploring the Intersection Between Substance Use & HIV

Assessing Risk and Resources

CHASCo's Learn the Link initiative is dedicated to educating campus communities about the critical connection between substance use and HIV.

This page provides resources, information, and tools to help understand and mitigate the risks associated with substance use and HIV transmission among college students.

How at Risk Are You?

Use this tool to access tailored information about your risk of getting or transmitting HIV, and how you can reduce your risk.

did you know?

About 13% (158,249) of people with HIV in the U.S. don’t know it and so need testing.

There are 20,200 people with HIV in Tennessee.

From 2018 to 2022, the number 15-24 year olds newly diagnosed with HIV in Tennessee increased at a rate of 17%.

Find FREE, Confidential Testing Near You

Healthcare professionals recommend that college students get tested for HIV at least once a year. Free resources, confidential testing, and treatment are readily available.

The Link Between Alcohol & HIV


Drinking alcohol—particularly binge drinking—affects your brain, making it hard to think clearly. Binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks in about two hours for women and five or more drinks in about two hours for men.

While under the influence, you may be more likely to make decisions that put you at risk for getting or transmitting HIV, such as:

Having sex without a condom

Incorrect Use of a condom

More sexual partners

Drug Use

The Link Between Drug Use & HIV

When you’re high, you may be more likely to make decisions that put you at risk of getting or transmitting HIV.

Using drugs:

Affects your brain

Alters your judgment

Lowers your inhibitions

Among people aged 13-24, almost half don’t know they have acquired HIV.

If you inject drugs, you are at risk for getting or transmitting HIV and hepatitis B and C if you share needles or equipment.

All data above can be found here

THE LINK to Resources for Help & Support

Learn the Link Campaign Resources


Stay informed, stay safe, and help create a healthier campus community. Together, we can reduce the risk and spread of HIV.

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